We have 60.000-70.000 thoughts a day.
90% of those thoughts are the same thoughts as the day before.
If your thoughts affect your future, your future isn’t going to change a lot.

Same thoughts — same choices — same actions & behaviors — same experiences — same feelings — same thoughts…
Neurochemistry, neurocircuitry, hormones and gene expression stay the same.

Hebbian learning: ‘Nerve cells that fire together, wire together.’
By the time you’re 35, the patterns of your emotion, action becomes so hardwired which creates your identity, personality.
Age 35, and you are basically a set of memorized behaviors.

Habit loop: trigger — routine — reward
When you decide to change;
Your conscious mind is the 5% and your analytical mind is 95%. You’re trying to compete with your analytical mind ( 95% ), with your conscious mind ( 5% ). Because decisions happen in your conscious mind but your habits are encoded into your analytical mind.

As soon as you wake up, you’re a clean slate. But in moments, your brain starts thinking about past things, emotions… This makes your past, affect your future.

The stronger the emotion that you feel about a condition in your life, the more altered you feel inside. of you, the more it’s going to wake you up to see the outside reason that creates the situation.
how memory is formed

50% of the things that you talk about your past, isn’t even true.
People keep reaffirming their emotions linked with a past event by strengthening the past memory. ( only in the way that it makes them justify those emotions, memory is changeable because your brain has changed since the event. )

Brain doesn’t know the difference in between an emotion that you’re feeling because an event is happening right now or an emotion that you fabricate by revisiting past memories.

When you’re used to living in predictable past, you crave the predictable future. When you check mails, text, social media, you feel connected to everything in your known reality.

Every great mind in history knew that your thoughts create your future so they lived as though that future has already happened.

If you keep thinking in the limits of your environment, you’ll keep creating more of the same environment.

Your body is used to the known, when you make a change, it gets uncomfortable. That lack of comfort, generates thoughts like:
Start tomorrow.
You’ll never change.
Just because you have a thought, doesn’t mean that it is true.

Best way to predict your future, is to create it.

When you close your eyes and rehearse an activity, your brain doesn’t know the difference in between the real and the imaginary, if you’re present to your imagination.

If you wire the neurons through visualization hard enough, you may start to act like you are the way you imagined. But to truly manifest, you. need to feel the outcome of those imaginations.

Cause and effect is the old model of reality.
You can’t wait for your success to feel empowered, a new relationship to feel loved…
The new/quantum model of reality: Causing an effect
— Picturing the future you want ( intent )
— Writing down all the things that you need to do to get to there
— Writing down all the thought patterns that would stop you
— Every day you remind yourself of the person you want to be
— Coincidences start to show up leading you to that direction
— When that future happens, it’s not about that but it’s about the fact that you created it.

3 things that would stop you:
1. The body
2. The environment
3. Time

1. Body : “I don’t feel like it.”
Using feelings as a barometer for change, talking yourself out of it.

2. Environment : “I have these people/places to see, I have this/that to do.”
Your environment seduces these things back to your reality.

3. Time : “There isn’t enough time.”

When you observe your thoughts, they stop being the programming but they are consciousness. This is the first step to change.

Where we place our attention is where we place our energy.