Stress: state of mental or emotional strain or tension resulting from adverse / very demanding circumstances.
When we can’t predict an outcome, control the situation, sense there’s a threat/danger of things getting worse.

— Physical stress ( traumas, accidents, injuries… )
— Chemical stress ( flus, bacterias, viruses… )
— Emotional stress ( traffic jams, family tragedies… )
When you experience any one of these types, your flight/flight nervous system gets activated. ( stress response )
Shuts down systems, heart races, fight/flight or hide.
Your body becomes out of balance.
When danger is gone, you turn back to balanced state.

No organism can live on an emergency mode for an extended period of time.

After a while, you get addicted to the chemicals released during stress response.

Because of the size of neocortex, we can make thought more real than anything.
We can turn on stress response, by thought alone.
Your thoughts can make you sick.

Explaining of a survey:

Cortisol : stress hormone
IgA ( immunoglobulin A ) : primary defense for viruses
When cortisol is up, IgA goes down.

For 10 minutes a day, they have asked to the participants to feel heartfelt emotions:
Joy for life, gratitude, kindness, care, love for existence…
After 3,5 days: IgA is up by 50%, cortisol is down by 16.25%

When you’re in stress response mode, you place your attention on
1. The body
2. The environment
3. Time
When you start drawing from your invisible field of energy that surrounds your body, and use it to make chemistry ( hormones ), you become more matter and less energy. You become more particle, less wave.
When that energy field shrinks, we feel alone and isolated.

If you are in survival mode, it is not a time to create, go within, sit still, grow…
When you feel the sense of uncertainty/danger, you try to control everything.
Crave the predictable and known because in survival, unknown is dangerous.
Chemicals drive your body to be highly focused ( narrowing your focus, also ) and overly analytical.
In survival if you focus on the worse and prepare for that, anything better than the worse and you have a chance of surviving.
If you keep the reaction lingering and don’t know how to regulate
for hours/days : it is called a mood
for weeks/months : it is called a temperement
for years : it is called personality trait, which is something derived from the past.

When we feel more like matter and try to change matter, resources that we have are:
— compete
— fight
— manipulate
— try harder
— hope/wish

You may accomplish your goals but it will take time, because you need to move your body through space and that takes time.

Living in creation
Narrow focus ( stress ) vs. open focus
Take your attention away from people in your life, places you want to be, material things…
Broaden your focus
Put your focus into energy rather than matter
Suppress the neocortex/known and slow down the brain waves.
And then, the parts of your brain start to synchronise.

Animal state: survival, stress, contraction, catabolism, dis-ease, imbalance, breakdown, degeneration, fear/anger/sadness, selfish, body/environment/time, energy loss, emergency, object focused, separate, reality determined by senses, cause and effect, limited possibilities, incoherence, known

Divine state: creation, homeostasis, expansion, anabolism, health, order, repair, regeneration, love/joy/trust/know/gratitude, selfless, no thing/no body/ no time, energy focused, growth/repair, open focus, connected, reality beyond senses, causing an effect, all possibilities, coherence, unknown